mark goldstein

photo of mark



PhD Candidate, Computer Science, NYU

email: goldstein [at] nyu [dot] edu

pronouns: he/him/his


About Me

I am a PhD candidate at NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CILVR group, advised by Rajesh Ranganath and Thomas Wies. I work on causal inference, deep generative models, and machine learning for health. I’m also a part of the STAT research group at the NYU Center for Data Science.

In fall 2024, I will start looking for postdoc positions + jobs for summer/fall 2025. Feel free to reach out about this!

feel free to anonymously give me comments/suggestions/feedback here



Courses I’ve TA’ed/TF’ed:

Conferences I usually review for

In a previous life

I was a research assistant and teaching fellow in the computer science department at Harvard SEAS. I am still an on/off TF for the harvard undergrad ML course. Between Harvard and NYU, I worked with the CoCoSci group at MIT BCS. Previous to that, I studied music composition, improvisation, and theory at New England Conservatory with Anthony Coleman, Stratis Minakakis and Ran Blake. I am still involved with music and rehearse with Gamelan Kusuma Laras a classical Javanese ensemble that performs the repetoire of the courts of Central Java.